Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Exotic Mount Roraima

Exotic Mount Roraima
Mount Roraima, Mount Roraima South America, Mount Roraima Venezuela, Mount Roraima Mystery, Mount Roraima Up, Mount Roraima Hike, Mount, Roraima
Mount Roraima is the highest of South America’s Pakaraima Mountains and one of the world’s most extraordinary natural geological formations. The 31-square-kilometer summit area is defined by 400-meter-tall cliffs on all sides and includes the borders of Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana.

Mount Roraima South America There are some wonderful places on Earth that offer such breathtaking views that they might just stick with you forever and ever down in some rusty memory box. And there are others worth discovering that we do not even know about.

The tabletop mountains of the Pakaraima range are considered to be some of the oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back to over 2 billion years ago. Apparently, that’s how long it takes to make something as wondrous as Mount Roraima. Take the tour below: